Our assessment helps you understand how individuals have been successful.

We begin with the conviction that no single profile guarantees success in a particular role. We recognize that success in one situation does not ensure success in another.

With new roles, colleagues, and organizations may come an entirely different set of demands. Because the situation can strongly influence the performance of an individual, very few attributes can automatically be classified as either strengths or weaknesses.

We do not grade people or recommend them for selection or promotion. Instead, we offer you the option of selecting people who are compatible with the team they will work within—or people who have complementary or supplementary skills and practices.

This option requires an assessment process that gives you comprehensive insight into prospective hires.

That same kind of insight is central to guiding and facilitating an individual's professional development.

Whether the objective is selection or development, with individuals or teams, our psychological assessment can provide insight to guide decision-making, skill building, or adjustment to new situations.

Our Assessment Services

  • > Selection

    Psychological assessment can provide missing insights into the potential strengths, style, and fit of candidates. It can help you anticipate a candidate's future performance and minimize the expense and aftermath of making the wrong hiring decision.

  • > Individual Development

    The key to facilitating an individual's continued professional growth and success is a thorough understanding of his/her abilities, habitual patterns of behavior (i.e., "style"), and values and the impact of those characteristics in specific situations. That understanding provides the basis for guiding the development of new, more effective behaviors.

  • > Team Development

    Most conflict has its origins in individual differences in values, motivation, and temperament. Team development provides insight into group dynamics through an understanding of individual identities, reputations, relationships, rivalries, and formal and informal roles.

  • > Organizational Assessment

    We help you critically review existing practices within the organization and develop and validate new solutions for problems in areas such as attrition, customer satisfaction, sales performance, and more.