Our psychological assessment helps you select individuals who fit your organization's culture and complement the existing team.

Psychological assessment gives you insight into how a candidate has been successful. People succeed and fail for a variety of reasons—and much depends on a person's ability to adapt to different people and circumstances.

We do not grade candidates. Nor do we tell you whether or not you should hire them. Our focus is on description, not evaluation.

We describe each individual as accurately as possible to help you make an informed hiring decision and minimize risk.

Our assessment process is thorough and objective.

We use a variety of assessment tools to thoroughly understand an individual’s distinctive approach to work and how he/she is likely to be perceived by others.

  • Comprehensive, in-depth biographical interview: We review the candidate’s education and work history with a particular focus on career decisions and transitions, accomplishments, challenges, satisfactions and frustrations.
  • Standardized inventories: These inventories measure aspects of each candidate’s personality, motivation, temperament and cognitive abilities.
  • Work simulation: For management roles, we ask the candidate to assume the role of a senior manager in a fictitious organization and respond to a series of realistic issues that represent a day in the life of the manager.

Our assessments are conducted jointly by two psychologists. One psychologist conducts the interview. The other independently reviews all other results. This approach keeps the assessment results from being unduly influenced by the candidate’s performance in the interview and helps ensure our accuracy and objectivity.

We provide feedback to the organization and the candidate.

Once the assessment is complete, you will hear the independent perspectives of both psychologists as we present a detailed description of the candidate. We help you understand the implications of the results. You and other hiring decision-makers in the organization can combine our results with your own insights to achieve an accurate, multi-dimensional perspective on the candidate.

All candidates have the opportunity for the same in-depth review of the results—regardless of the outcome of the hiring process. We discuss the results in detail along with the implications of the results for current or future roles. The discussion can focus on current challenges or on broader career concerns and decisions. For individuals in transition, the focus is often on anticipating challenges in new roles and devising appropriate entry strategies.

Our assessment is a positive experience for candidates.

For many people, the process of interviewing for a job is stressful, and the request to undergo a psychological assessment can further increase anxiety.

Creating unnecessary apprehension in candidates is counterproductive.

Therefore, we try to create an experience that is friendly and informal. In addition, we make the process transparent. Candidates can freely ask questions—and we will explain all the components of the assessment. Anything we share with the organization we will also share with the candidates.

We view ourselves as working in partnership with the organization to select and hire the best possible talent—and to create the best possible experience for all candidates, regardless of the hiring outcome.