Our coaching services leverage the insight gained from assessment and guide the exploration of more effective approaches.
We help individuals recognize the habits and working styles that may have been effective in the past but may be detrimental in their current situation, and we help them explore new approaches to meeting the challenges of their job.
Our coaching is tailored to the individual. It takes into consideration the individual, the culture of the organization, and the key business challenges. It begins with an in-depth assessment designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the individual and his or her circumstances.
We approach coaching as a time-limited, goal-oriented engagement.
During our coaching sessions, specific, work-related goals are developed and the individual makes a commitment to achieve those goals within a defined period.
From that point, the coaching proceeds along various paths depending on the issues and goals identified. Over the next months, the coach is a confidante who offers observations, interpretations and suggestions. The coach acts as a sounding board for ideas and proposed actions and provides a forum where the participant can think out loud and receive candid feedback.
We work with the individual to develop more effective approaches to current issues in real time. Therefore, coaching sessions are often brainstorming and planning sessions, during which the coach and the participant may develop specific plans, actions, and language to address upcoming situations and challenges. The participant will often have assignments to complete before the next coaching meeting.
We regularly revisit the commitments made in the original development plan. Priorities and tactics may be revised depending on the effectiveness of initial efforts.
We take a team approach to coaching.
The individual works primarily with one of our psychologists, who is responsible for overall planning and coordination and can leverage other members of our team for additional insights and perspectives.
Our coaching relationships are confidential.
Successful coaching requires a willingness to explore the personal issues that may play an important role in determining style, reactions and motivations. Additionally, coaching often needs to include frank discussions regarding the individual's manager. Thus, anything an individual shares during a coaching session remains confidential.