We guide managers in adapting to changing circumstances.
The career development of managers is a steady progression from generic to more individualized and situational learning.
In the early stages of a manager's career, he or she acquires and refines a set of basic skills. Generic and prescriptive in nature, this information can be easily transmitted in group settings. It is advice that is applicable to virtually all managers and to a wide variety of situations and circumstances.
Further development requires a greater focus by the individual on the characteristics that he or she brings to the role—and the discovery of which pieces of received advice 'work' for him or her. The successful outcome is a reconciliation of the individual's inherent preferences and style with the requirements of the role in such a way that the individual makes full use of his or her strengths and minimizes the impact of his or her weaknesses.
By the time individuals have attained more senior roles, developmental agendas are almost wholly idiosyncratic and situational. Presumably, these women and men have attained these roles because of their successful accomplishments; success is the ticket for admission to more senior ranks.
At that point, development is focused on aspects of their current circumstances for which their experience has not prepared them. Our individualized approach to coaching guides these individuals as they explore new approaches to meeting a unique set of challenges.